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6054/6055 Deep-Well Baths

6054/6055 Deep-Well Baths

The Model 6055, operating up to 550 °C, uses molten salts with a pumping system for maintaining the necessary consistent fluid level required for liquid-in-glass thermometer calibrations. A viewing channel is built into the top cover for a clear visual path to your glass thermometers.
The 6055 also has an optional thermometer carousel for holding several glass thermometers in the correct calibration position without exposing them to the hot salts in the bath. The Model 2018 Carousel is completely constructed of stainless steel and has an elevated handle for rotating your thermometers to the viewing position.
These deep-well baths are built to the same performance standards as all Fluke Calibration baths, which means you can’t find another bath that has better stability or uniformity.

Extra-deep wells for thermometry work requiring extra tank depth and ultimate stability
  • Constant liquid levels through concentric-tube design
  • Special design for sighting LIG thermometers
  • Depth up to 60 cm (24 in)
  • Optional interface packages control all settings
The models 6054 and 6055 have extra-deep wells for use with liquid-in-glass thermometers, SPRT calibrations, or other thermometry work requiring extra tank depth. They were originally designed for NIST.
Well depths vary from 17 to 24 inches to eliminate stem conduction effects in probes that require more than 12 inches of immersion. Originally developed for a national standards lab, these baths are optimized for the visual calibration of liquid-in-glass thermometers.